es sind nun gut 6 Monate seit meiner Schulter OP, im Oktober vergangenen Jahres, vergangen und ich möchte mich auf diesem Wege recht herzlich für Ihre ausgezeichnete Arbeit bedanken. Möglicherweise gibt es auch andere Personen, die mit einer Entscheidung ringen, wie ich damals. Denen möchte ich meinen Fall (die Doppelsinnigkeit des Wortes ist mir bewusst) hiermit zur Kenntnis bringen.
Ich bin österreichischer Staatsbürger, 74 Jahre alt, normalgewichtig und seit meiner Jugend in verschiedenen Sportarten aktiv. Nach den „wilden“ Jahren mit Kampfsport, Klettern etc., vornehmlich Kraftsport, den ich heute noch, in reduziertem Maße versteht sich, betreibe.
Letztes Jahr beschlossen meine Frau und ich nach Südafrika auszuwandern.
Das Haus, welches wir gekauft hatten, bedurfte einiger Adaptierungen und reiche Erfahrung hat mich gelehrt, dass man jedem Handwerker auf die Finger schauen und jede Arbeit überprüfen muss, wenn man auch nur eine Spur von Qualitätsbewusstsein hat. Also stieg ich eine Leiter hoch, nicht bemerkend, dass sich mein Fuß in einer Drahtschlinge verfing. Beim Absturz fiel ich mit der rechten Schulter zuerst auf eine Kiste und dann auf den Boden. Dann kam die Leiter… Das alles entbehrt, für einen nicht betroffenen Zuschauer, nicht einer gewissen Komik. Als ich mich hochgerappelt hatte, waren die Schmerzen ziemlich grenzwertig und verhinderten jeden Versuch, den Arm zu bewegen.
Ich hatte mir früher beim Sport gelegentlich Schulterverletzungen zugezogen, diese konnten aber konservativ behandelt werden und klangen bei entsprechender Schonung nach 8 Wochen ab. Diesmal war mir jedoch klar, dass größere Verletzungen der Rotatorenmanschette vorlagen, welche eine chirurgische Versorgung unumgänglich machen. Die Art der Verletzung, sowie durch frühere Verletzungen entstandenes Narbengewebe, würden sicherlich eine Herausforderung für den Operateur darstellen. Mein erster Gedanke war, den nächstbesten Flug zurück nach Österreich zu nehmen. Andererseits waren wir hierher gezogen, um hier zu leben, was auch bedeutet, den hiesigen Ärzten ein gewisses Vertrauen entgegen zu bringen. Und wenn auch Politiker aller Couleurs die medizinische Versorgung zum Bsp. in Österreich und Deutschland als die Beste der Welt hoch loben, so könnte ich dies nicht uneingeschränkt unterschreiben.
An dieser Stelle muss ich vielleicht erwähnen, dass ich selbst über 35 Jahre für einen führenden Konzern in der Medizintechnik, im Bereich Bildgebende Diagnostik und Strahlentherapie tätig war. Für diese Tätigkeit sind Basiskenntnisse der Anatomie, sowie der Beurteilung der Qualitätskriterien von Röntgen, CT und MR Aufnahmen etc. ebenso unabdingbar, wie der Gedankenaustausch mit Medizinern verschiedener Fachrichtungen, während der Untersuchungen bzw. Behandlungen, in möglichst vielen Schwerpunktkrankenhäusern. Nur so können Anforderungen erkannt werden und in die Produktentwicklung einfließen. Ich bin beileibe kein Arzt, aber ich stelle Fragen, die mancher Arzt als lästig und zeitraubend empfindet.
Bei Dr. Van Den Berg, den ich nach mehreren schmerzdurchwachten Nächten über das Internet fand und der sich als Orthopäde auf Schultern spezialisiert hatte, bekam ich kurzfristig einen Termin und die sorgfältige Untersuchung verlief ohne größere Schmerzen.
Ohne dem radiologischen Befund vorgreifen zu wollen, erklärte mir Dr. Van Den Berg, welche Schäden er vermutet, die von ihm vorgeschlagene Vorgangsweise und beantwortete, auf die ihm eigene, höfliche, sachliche und schnörkellose Art, jede Frage mit der größten Selbstverständlichkeit. Mein Entscheidung war gefallen, ich fliege nicht nach Europa.
Von Natur aus mit wenig Geduld gesegnet viel es mir schwer, die Schlinge 7 Wochen zu tragen, aber ich hielt mich daran. Die anschließende Physiotherapie brachte gute Ergebnisse und konnte nach 5 Sitzungen in Eigenregie weitergeführt werden. Seit März habe ich den ursprünglichen Bewegungsumfang, bin bei allen Bewegungen schmerzfrei und habe in etwa die Kraft eines durchschnittlichen Mannes meines Alters. Wie ich das im Moment sehe, ist eine Steigerung der Kraft um 50% in den nächsten Monaten durchaus realistisch.
Im September 2015 zog ich mir bei einem Leitersturz eine schwere Verletzung der Rotatorenmanschette der rechten Schulter zu. Neu in Südafrika und ohne persönliche Erfahrung mit der hiesigen, medizinischen Versorgung, trug ich mich mit dem Gedanken nach Österreich zurückzufliegen.
Nach meinem heutigen Kenntnisstand und der gemachten Erfahrung mit Dr. Van Den Berg und der "Vergelegen Mediclinic", würde ich jederzeit den umgekehrten Weg gehen und von Österreich nach Kapstadt-Somerset West fliegen, um den Eingriff vornehmen zu lassen.
-Günther Rusch -(74yr, Arthroscopic Repair of large rotator cuff tear in October 2015)
Ek het vir 3 jaar met my regter skouer gesukkel voordat ek by Dr van den Berg uitgekom het. Op daardie stadium was my skouer besig om styf te word en kon ek hom skaars gebruik het. Die pyn was as gevolg van kalsium opbou in my skouer en te min spasie vir my skouer om te beweeg wat inflammasie veroorsaak het en die kalsium neerlegging veroorsaak het. Dr van den Berg het aanbeveel dat hy opereer en al die kalsium verwyder in my skouer en ook die spasie in my skouer vergroot.Die operasie het goed gegaan en dit was ’n groot sukses, en alhoewel Dr van den Berg gesê het dat ek pyn gaan hê in die volgende 24 uur, het ek verbasend baie min gehad. My arm was in ’n sling vir so 10 dae. Na 5 dae het ek met fisio twee keer per week begin by Lee Scott. My skouer het weekliks verbeter en dit het ’n goeie 4-5 maande geneem om weer goed mobiel te raak. Na ongeveer 6 maande het my skouer heeltemal normaal gevoel.My raad aan enige iemand wat so ’n skouer operasie moet deurgaan is om geduldig te wees met die herstel proses en nasorg. Vat dit rustig en gee die skouer tyd om mooi te herstel, maar doen die oefeninge getrou en volg die fisio se raad. Onthou dat die operasie vinnig is, maar die herstel proses vat langer. Dr doen ’n uitstekende werk met die operasie. Dit hang dan van jou af hoe goed jy die nasorg doen of dit ’n blywende sukses gaan wees.
Baie dankie aan Dr van den Berg- Kobus Erasmus(45yrs) – rthroscopic subacromial decompression and calcium removal
I am a busy housewife, accountant, and keen grandmother. I sustained a shoulder injury in 2013 when opening the garage door, which is very heavy for my small stature; it fell on me and injured my right shoulder. After failed conservative physiotherapy by my physiotherapist, ViIlene Alderslade, she referred me to Dr.Charl van den Berg. He explained that I had torn three of my rotator cuff muscles in my right shoulder and that he would have to operate. He explained what the procedure would be and he operated the end of November 2013. My rehab started 3 weeks later, whilst still in the sling. The shoulder joint mobilizations, general soft tissue manipulations and gentle spinal work had to be added into my rehab, as I have degenerated spinal symptoms which was influenced by the immobilization of the shoulder. Villene Alderslade introduced elastic strengthtraining at 4 weeks, and diligent home rehab was the key to my return to normal function. I continued with my physio treatment under the watchful eye of Villene until June 2014. My recovery was fast and I have fully recovered and am able to operate with my daily routine without hinder. My sincere gratitude to Dr Charl van den Berg and his good team.- ESTELLE BUITENDAG (69 years) – Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair
I am a very active and creative farmer and run La Roche Estate, I am also constantly busy creating new building structures on the Estate,this necessitate me to move and lift heavy objects. During these activities I sustained a traumatic injury to my right shoulder and as I am right handed I was severely hampered with the functional activities on the farm. I visited my regular physiotherapist in Franschhoek, Villene Alderslade, who treated me but failed in eliminating the pain and function due to the extent of the injury. Villene referred me to Dr. Charl van den Berg. After diagnosing me with a 3 of the rotator cuff muscles torn, he was operated in July 2014. A slow progressive rehabilitation stared 2 weeks later. I wore my sling for 4 weeks under the watchful eye of my physio, and continued with treatment containing gentle joint mobilization and soft tissue work. At 5 weeks postoperatively we slowly stared gentle elastic training and strengthening. I did home exercises diligently, which was imperative to my healing process. Pain and movement in his shoulder had recovered to full movement by 8 weeks and by 3 months I was able to return to full activities on the farm. I enjoy my golf and was able to return to a limited golf swing in September 2014 and I am now back to thefull use of my shoulder. My experience in a whole was satisfying and the key to the outcome of the great work of Dr Charl van den Berg was the diligent homework and continual rehab under a watchful keen trained eye of Villene my physiotherapist.- JAN BUITENDAG (72 years) – Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
I suffered a shoulder injury to my left shoulder during a rugby match in 1963. I was left with a left arm which I could not use to the full. It sort of healed and I could use my arm for my daily tasks and for a long time had no pain in the shoulder. In 2003 I hurt my shoulder while lifting some steel work while helping my son in law in his business. I went to my GP who gave me a cortisone injection which subdued the pain for about three years and then it started again. At that stage we were living on a farm to far from the previous doctor and I went to see another GP nearest to the farm. I again received two cortisone injections and some anti-inflammatory medication. This helped for a while but the pain just came back to the point where I could not lift my left arm above my shoulder and could not even carry a bag containing two bottles of milk with my left arm. We moved to the Western Province and I was immediately referred to Dr. Charl van den Berg by my son in law. I visited him and found him a person with empathy, very good manners and excellent people skills. He examined my shoulder and immediately sent me for x-rays. I went back to him and he discussed the two options available, for solving my shoulder problem. After closely examining the ex-rays and sonar images he suggested that the route to take was an arthroscopy. I underwent the surgery and when I visited him after the operation he showed me a video of the operation and discussed it with my wife and myself in full detail. He then referred me to a physiotherapist and after three sessions with her she gave me some exercises to do at home. I did the exercises every day and four months later I can use my left arm fully even hanging up the washing and doing all sorts of things in the house. I can honestly and without prejudice recommend Dr. Charl van den Berg for especially shoulder operations.- Mr. S Jacobs (73 years young) – Shoulder arthroscopy August 2014
I was experiencing severe pain in my left shoulder. After several visits to my physiotherapist the relief was temporary. Besides the pain and discomfort, and being incapable of dressing and undressing, I was due to go on a golfing holiday in October which I was seriously contemplating cancelling.
I was referred to Dr Charl van der Berg by my physio and am so glad she did. Dr van der Berg had studied the x-rays prior to me arriving. He questioned me, examined me and then explained in lay terms what my problem was and more importantly, mapped out a course of action to solve the problem. I immediately had total faith and confidence in his diagnosis and prognosis and have followed his instructions to the letter.
Within 6 weeks, I recovered to the degree that I have about 90% mobility in the shoulder with no pain and no longer need assistance to get dressed and undressed. Sleep is no longer an issue either. His treatment and advice have accelerated the healing process and I look forward to the golfing trip.
I have no hesitation in recommending Dr van der Berg. He is empathetic, thorough, professional and exudes an aura of confidence.- Gavin Hillyard (65yr, Frozen Shoulder)
Somerset West
I am now a 74 year old woman living on my own. At the beginning of 2014 I had a fall down the stairs which resulted in the ligaments of my right shoulder being torn. I could feel this; but circumstances prevented me from having the damage seen to immediately. Six months later I was able to attend to the matter. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT TOO LONG TO HAVE THE DAMAGE SEEN TO. Dr. van den Berg examined my x-rays and sonar scans and said that because of the delay the tendons had retracted into the muscles, leaving the bone bare in one place. I was in constant pain and unable to use my right arm.
In June I was operated on at the Vergelegen clinic; and had an overnight stay. Because of the complications, the keyhole surgery was extensive, with "nuts & bolts" used to repair the damage. I had to wear a special type of sling for two months, which meant no driving either. I stayed with my daughter for two weeks before returning home. Initially there was a lot of pain, but now I can say that it was all worth it. I have just had my final visit with Dr. van den Berg who is very happy with the result as I am too.
My physiotherapist was so excited by the report sent to him by the Dr. that he asked me to get the CD of the surgery. Regular physiotherapy and the daily exercises which I did; also helped enormously. From his professional perspective, the physio said that it was obvious that Dr. van den Berg had found the operation a challenge and that he enjoyed and was excited about his work. I am now completely without pain and am enjoying full use of my arm. I found Dr. van den Berg very approachable and was delighted that he took the time to explain the problem and what he planned to do in such detail. I can highly recommend him.- Jenny Berrisford (74yr old)
Procedure: Arthroscopic repair of a massive rotatorcuff tear on 2014-06-14
I lived with a painful shoulder for about a year, trying to get by with frequent visits to physiotherapists, before I listened to their advice and visited Dr van den Berg. Diagnosis was quick and accurate. In my case the only solution was to undergo relatively minor surgery. Dr van den Berg and his team were very professional and the operation was performed in due course without any complications. It is now four months since the surgery. I am not in pain anymore and have regained full functionality of my left shoulder.- Mr RN 39yrs (shoulder arthroscopy)
Thank you for the excellent care you gave me from start to finish. I appreciated all the attention and explanations and know that I had first class surgery. I have been singing your praises and recommending you to everyone I know with a shoulder problem.Mr S.T.
, 58 yr old male (Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair October 2014)
Dankie vir jou epos. Ek is effe sprakeloos oor Michael se spoedige herstel. En vanselfsprekend vreeslik bly. Baie dankie vir jou aandeel. Die manier wat jy Michael hanteer het was uitsonderlik. Hy dink natuurlik jy loop op water!
Wanneer ek weer in SA kuier sal ek kom groet.
Lynette (patient’s mother)
Dr van den Berg,
‘n Kort boodskap om my waardering uit te spreek. Uiteraard het jou operasie aan Michael se skouer ‘n baie wesenlike impak op sy lewe en toekoms. Daar is min dinge in die lewe wat vir ‘n ouer so kosbaar is soos iemand wat bydra tot die welsyn en voorspoed van jou kind. Ek besef dat jou bydrae ‘n normale deel is van jou professie en dag tot dag aktiwiteite. Nietemin is dit nodig om erkenning te gee aan die positiewe omvang van jou werk op Michael se skouer, nou en vir sy toekoms.
Michael het in ‘n boodskap aan my gesê dat wanneer hy eendag suksesvol is, hy finansiêle bystand gaan gee aan ‘n jong aspirerende gholfer wat met ‘n besering sukkel en nie behandeling kan bekostig nie. Opsigself is dit ‘n baie positiewe uitkoms.
Barry (patient’s father)
I am a 62-year-old, active female.6 months ago (October 2015) I went to see Dr Van Den Berg with a complete tear and a partial tear of the muscles in my left shoulder - this after years of falling off horses, picking up heavy weights and finally falling on my shoulder. I was in pain and had restricted movement. I was extremely worried about having any surgery, after an operation which I had in the same hospital a few years ago, traumatized me so much that I ended up with a psychiatrist. However, after my initial consultation, when in fact I was determined not to go ahead with the operation, my mind was completely put at ease. And I was booked for surgery. Everything that was going to happen to me was explained in great detail with computer animation as well as a static model of a shoulder. He explained that the healing process would be very slow and that after 6 weeks in a sling I would start intensive physiotherapy with a lady called Lee Scott. Followed by a routine of various exercises specifically for my shoulder. I was treated like a person, not a nuisance, by Dr Van Den Berg and all his very friendly staff - and went into surgery with a smile on my face (or maybe that was the premed!) My pre and post operative experience was friendly and apart from getting the wrong supper I got the liquid diet meant for someone else (we swopped!) I left hospital after 24 hours. I was given appropriate medication for pain, two lots in fact. One for moderate and one for severe pain. I would also like to say here that Lee Scott, the physiotherapist who helped me post- operatively, was extremely kind and patient and I would recommend her professional and caring attitude to everyone. I can really say that Dr Van Den Berg and his team restored my faith in hospitals and treated me with respect and kindness. The period of recovery was slow but after 6 months I am nearly able to do all movements with my shoulder apart from a little stiffness. I was told many 'stories' before hand by people and was regaled with horrific tales of excruciating pain etc. I was never in excruciating pain and after a very short time had little or no pain at all.
Thank you Dr Van Den Berg and Team.- Sue Cooke (62-year-old, active female. Arthroscopic Large Rotator Cuff Repair, October 2015)
During 2013 I had an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair , and was most agreeably pleased to find that the key-hole surgery carried out by Dr van den Berg left virtually no signs of his activity on my shoulder. It goes without saying that the surgery was a success, and I have had no further trouble with my shoulder.- Graham Ross (89yrs)
After many years of pain in my right shoulder and movement restriction I was recommended to make an appointment with you by a previous patient. After examination you diagnosed a problem with my rotator cuff. Surgery took place to shave off the spurs which had grown from the bone and were cutting into the muscle. The muscle was then anchored in two places through keyhole surgery. After an overnight stay in hospital and six weeks in a sling I have fully recovered use of my right arm and shoulder and am able to swim again.
The professionalism and efficiency with which I was treated was very impressive and should the problem occur with my other shoulder I would not hesitate to seek your help again even though it means I would have to travel to South Africa.Kind regards,
- Nicolaas Vrijland 68yrs (Netherlands)
Following a stumble and fall all the ligaments in my shoulder were torn and I was in severe pain. Dr van den Berg suggested treatment and repair with “keyhole surgery” (shoulder arthroscopy). I am very happy indeed with the result which restored complete and total movement/usage. In the healing process disciplined physio is most important. I am also very happy with the practice's help and assistance before and after surgery. I would definitely advise other patients to come to Dr van den Berg for treatment.
- Elly Liebenberg (78yrs, arthroscopic rotator cuff repair)
After battling with a painful shoulder for quite some time I went to see Dr. Charl Van Den Berg. After ultra sound and x-rays I was told that my shoulder needed a fair bit of repair! Muscles had to be reattached, bone had to be smoothed and the joint needed to be cleaned out.
The operation went very well and I was only in hospital for a short period of time. I was hospitalised in the afternoon and had the operation that evening and went home the next day. There was very little pain when I came out of the operation as a drip, anesthetising the joint was in place. I went home and the next day it was extremely painful but with medication and tablets to help me sleep I managed to see through the pain and in the next week or so the pain subsided. It was very frustrating to not be able to use my right arm for six weeks due to the arm brace I needed to wear. What a joy to eventually take off the arm brace!
Physiotherapy started which was uncomfortable and hard work and together with water aerobics did the trick. I am so happy now that I have full mobility and almost all the strength back in my right arm. No more sleepless nights and no more pain! Thank you Dr. Van Den Berg! You were wonderful and you explained everything so well to me and my husband. As we went through this rather painful and lengthy procedure you were always understanding and caring.
- Maureen Graham (68yr, rotator cuff repair Sept 2013)
I was diagnosed with Calcification of my right shoulder after suffering for years from pain ranging from slightly annoying to the point where I couldn't sleep at night due to the pain. I couldn't use my arm for much, as any lifting would aggravate it. I went to see dr. van den Berg early last year, and he recommended Arthroscopic surgery to remove the calcification. Dr van den Berg performed the surgery after counseling me on what to expect during the surgery, hospital stay, and subsequent recovery. Surgery went well with no complications.
A fairly large amount of calcification was removed. I was kept comfortable in hospital with pain medication, and told to rest my shoulder in a sling for a period of time afterwards. Recovery was initially painful, but with the right prescribed medication, and light range of motion exercises recommended by Dr van den Berg, it was completely bearable. It took a couple of months for the stiffness to subside, but now a year later, I am completely back to normal. I have full range of motion, and for the first time in years I am completely pain free.
I would most definitely recommend Dr. van den Berg to anyone that has to have this kind of surgery in the future. He is professional, attentive, compassionate, and very thorough in his treatment.Kind Regards, and all the best
- Sonja Kershaw
Met dié skrywe wil ek net ander vertel van my ondervinding met Dr Charl van den Berg en sy span. In 2012 het ek geval en my regterskouer beseer en met verdere ondersoek is daar vasgestel dat al die spiere in my skouer afgeskeur was en sleg beskadig is.
Op die tydstip het ek baie pyn verduur en Dr Charl van den Berg het besluit om te opereer en die spiere is geheg met vier skroewe deur die kamera. Vanaf dag een en na die fisio tot en met hede, het ek nog nie een dag pyn verduur nie en my skouer voel beter as ooit. Net al my dank aan die Here wat sulke mense gebruik en dankie vir goeie diens gelewer.DANKBARE PASIëNT
- MNR J UECKERMANN 60yrs (Rotator cuff repair 2012)
Dr. Van der Berg operated on my shoulder on the 8th November 2013.
I had a bad fall on my elbow and was misdiagnosed with cartilage damage to my shoulder by another doctor. Two months later I was in agony and was referred by another doctor to have a scan and xray.
After this I was referred to Dr. C. Van der Berg and the operation took place, two of my muscles from elbow to shoulder were torn and one had begun to shrink.
I can heartily recommend Dr. C. Van der Berg for his expert surgery otherwise I would have had a useless arm.
Yours sincerely,
- Sylvia Jones (age 73)
"Badly torn ligaments in my left shoulder necessitated surgical intervention by Dr. Charl van den Berg. After a 2.5 hour "key-hole" surgical procedure and a day of recovery in hospital I was allowed to go home with my arm in a sling.
Recovery at home was aided by exercises provided by the Physio-therapist, which I needed to practice twice a day for the first 3 months. After that I began to use the arm more freely around the house and in the garden.
After six months I was using my repaired arm normally for most movements, except for activities that required my left arm to maneuver objects high above my head. But there is improvement in motion every week, suggesting that by the end of another six months everything will be back to normal. I am indebted to Dr. van den Berg’s expertise."Neville Webster
, 74yr (Arthroscopic repair of large left shoulder rotator cuff tear in May 2014)
Wanneer jou man vir maande nie kan slaap a.g.v. pyn in sy linkerskouer (nadat alle ander pynonderdrukkende opsies al beproef is)laat doen jy wat die laaste opsie is....'n operasie. Die rede vir my erge benoudheid om lg. te laat man het net die gebruik van sy linkerarm oor na 'n beroerte wat hom op 55jr met 'n baie verswakte regterkant gelaat het asook, in gewone leketaal: hy kan nie kommunikeer, lees of skryf nie. Sy kennis is grotendeels uitgewis.
Ons huisdokter het aanbeveel dat Dr. van dan Berg die operasie doen. Lang storie kort...nadat ons by hom was, het ek net weer besef dat hy een van die engele is wat ons Vader op hierdie aarde geplaas het, hom met kennis toegerus het om die mensdom se pyn te help verlig.
My man is die oggend geopereer en nog 'n groot gerusstelling was dat sy assistent ook baie goed met ons situasie vertroud was en aan ons bekend is.Die skade aan sy skouer was toe erger as wat vermoed is en 2 skeure in sy spiere is o.a. ook herstel, wat nie eens op die sonar sigbaar was nie. Daar is 5 prosedures uitgevoer en hy is reeds die aand ontslaan. Dis nou 6 maaande later en hy het wonderlik herstel en hy slaap weer sonder enige pyn.
Hy het na 6 weke al wonderlike resultate ervaar en met 2 fisioterapie behandelings en oefeninge soos deur haar voorgeskryf is sy arm 100%. Dankie Vader, dr Charl van den Berg en jou span wat die operasie gedoen het. Ek sal hierdie begaafde Dr vir enigiemand wat soortgelyke operasie moet ondergaan, aanbeveel.
- Kallie en Estelle Steenkamp (66yr old Male)
arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, November 2014
Hello Doc, I would just like to take the opportunity to thank You so very much for your help, support and friendly professional attitude with my shoulder and its processes. You really are a huge credit to the medical profession and in particular to your specialized field. Once again thanking you for everything
Sincerely YoursBrandon
(40yr, Left shoulder arthroscopy for chronic shoulder pain in high level gholfer)
Ek het op 'n nat vloer gegly en na 2 - 3 weke pyn in my skouer gevoel wat mettertyd al erger geword het en versprei het na my nek- en bladspiere. Konserwatiewe behandelings het verligting gegee, maar niks was blywend nie. Uiteindelik het ek op aanbeveling van 'n ander pasient na 5 maande by Dr Charl uitgekom. Estelle en Ronel was baie gaaf en vriendelik en het alle afsprake, navrae, oproepe en rekeninge met soveel liefde en geduld hanteer.
Dr Charl het my baie simpatiek ingelig en ook op sy rekenaarskerm gewys dat die sonar ‘n groot rotatorkraagskeur toon. Hy het my verseker dat niks anders as 'n operasie die pyn gaan verlig nie maar ook geduldig gerusgestel dat dit baie suksesvol kan wees. Ek het niks van skouerbeserings af geweet nie, en het alles op sy webwerf verslind. Die inligting was 'n openbaring en met al die nuwe kennis was daar geen twyfel dat sy pasiente in besonder bekwame hande is nie. Tydens die operasie in Januarie 2015 het ek uiters proffesionele maar ook besonder empatiese behandeling ontvang en ek is baie goed ingelig oor alle aspekte. Dr se sorgsaamheid en omgee was tasbaar en elke opvolg ondersoek daarna was 'n fees van blydskap en dankbaarheid oor die goeie vordering.
Na 'n heerlike rus van 6 weke het ek Magdel (fisioterapeut) begin met fisio. Sy is 'n pragtige, sprankelende en liewe mens wat mens vreeslik op jou gemak laat voel. Sy werk baie sag en rustig maar met sorg en deernis en wys die oefeninge geduldig oor en oor. Die besoeke aan haar was soos 'n kuier by 'n baie ou vriendin. So tussen haar opgewekte gesels vergeet jy skoon waarvoor jy daar is.
Ek is die Here ewig dankbaar dat hierdie span dierbare engele hier was om my pyne te verlig. Mag Hy hulle ryklik seën sodat hulle nog lank almal met Sy liefde kan bedien. Baie dankie nogmaals aan Dr Charl en Magdel en julle spanne.
Corrie van Wyk
Aug 2015
(66yr, arthroscopic repair of large rotator cuff tear Jan 2015)
I am a "Grand Masters" Hockey player, having represented South Africa at three recent international tournaments and planning to do so again in Australia in 2016. However I suffered torn ligaments in my right shoulder through age and sport.
I was referred to Dr. Charl van den Berg who, following a very thorough assessment, recommended that the ligaments be repaired through surgery. We had a detailed discussion about my condition and what was required. He also referred me to his web page:, which I found extremely helpful.
On the 20th January 2015 Dr. van den Berg operated on the shoulder at Mediclinic, Somerset West, following which I began my recovery in a sling. This was uncomfortable, lasting for 6 weeks and required me to exercise patience and appreciation as my wife drove me to business appointments. I also had to find comfortable positions to sleep and became creative in washing myself. I was a frustrated hockey spectator. Following the 6 weeks in the sling I underwent physiotherapy under the professional care of Magdel van den Berg. Naturally she was very aware of my condition and my declared expectations to get back on to the hockey field. Over a period of 6 weeks there was noticeable progress and an easing in the tension in my shoulder. The treatment was very focussed and got me to a stage where I felt a lot more comfortable in my movements.
Following the physiotherapy I was referred to Marinda Bruwer, a biokineticist in the same facility as Magdel and her exercises were again specific to my shoulder. I was assisted and encouraged to continue the exercises at home and received an easy graphic of each one, repeated at each session and escalating each time to higher levels. My last session with Marinda was on the 22nd June, 6 months after the operation. My final check up with Dr van den Berg was on 4th August and he was extremely happy with the result. I am now back on the hockey field, with no pain in my shoulder and actually scoring the occasional goal. My appreciation goes to the whole medical team, Dr Van Den Berg, Magdel, and Marinda. The administration of Estelle and Ronelle was always friendly and efficient, equally appreciated.
I have the video of the procedure but I don't view it for entertainment. It is a record the professional specialist work of Dr. van den Berg, thank you.Rob Birt (69 year old hockey player)
(Arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff tears January 2015)
Ek deel graag my onlangse ervaring (uiters positief) tydens n operasie op Maandag 17 September by Vergelegen Mediclinic. Skoueroperasie deur Dr Charl vd Berg.
Die aanloop tot die operasie was ewe prysenswaardig toe Estelle Alberts (by spreekkamer van Dr vd Berg) moeite gedoen het om n vroeër afspraak gereel te kry weens erge pyn wat ek in my skouer ervaar het. Ook haar reelings en verduidelikings re die admin en prosedure na die besoek, het van kundigheid en ervaring getuig .
Vandat ek Maandag 17 September om 06.00 opgeneem is, het ek uiters professionele en vriendelike optrede van die verpleegpersoneel in Saal H ervaar. Suster Geduld en haar 2 verpleegsters was werlik die vriendelikheid self en uiters bekwaam. Hul het my ook voortdurend op hoogte gehou oor wat sou volg. Dit bly maar n stresvolle ervaring vir iemand wat nie gereeld in hospitale kom nie en gevolglik was hul optrede baie gerusstellend.
Na afloop van die operasie was ek net na 16.00 terug in Saal H. My aangename ervaring het voortgeduur, selfs toe die nagskof personeel aan diens gekom het. Suster Duncan was uiters sorgsaam en hulpvaardig. Ditto die ander verpleegpersoneel. Ek het regtig n gevoel van kundigheid en vriendelikeid ervaar.
Ek wil ook graag spesiale melding maak van Dr Charl vd Berg en die narkotiseur. Beide het my voor die operasie besoek en weereens verduidelik wat sou volg asook die nodige gerusstelling gegee, wat regtig welkom was. Dieselfde in die teater waar Dr vd Berg my verseker het dat hul mooi na my sou kyk.
Na afloop en terug in die saal, was beide dokters weer by my om te verneem na my toestand asook terugvoer gegee. Dr vd Berg het persoonlik vir my vrou gebel om haar mee te deel dat die operasie afgehandel was. Dit tel baie in my boeke aangesien naasbestaandes altyd wonder en moet inbel om te verneem na vordering met n prosedure.
Dra asseblief my dank oor aan al die betrokkenes. Dit was n great ervaring en ek sal die betrokke dokters en Saal H by Vergelegen Mediclinic aan almal aanbeveel!
Mr T.B. (60yr, arthroscopy left shoulder for removal of calcium in rotator cuff, right shoulder similar procedure doen in 2016)